Груб строеж, строителни ремонти, ремонт и направа на покриви, улуци, водостоци
16 Nov
city of Sofia
Painting, Painting with Latex, Interior Insulation, Gypsum Coating, Electric Installation
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Masonry, Plasterboard Installation, Suspended Ceilings Installation, Hidden Light Fixtures Installation, Clean and Transport, Flip-ups, Plumbing Installation, Granite Installation, Laying of Tile, Laying of faience, Hydroinsulation, Plastering
Work over the Weekend
Listing by
Груб строеж, строителни ремонти,
ремонт и направа на покриви,
улуци,водостоци, изолации,
ел. услуги, ВиК, парно.
За контакти:
02 866 12 22;
0885 84 32 21
Views: 24086