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Български изложбени пощенски (гъбати пощенски)
Продавам български изложбени пощенски (гъбати пощенски). 12 бр., повечето мъжки.
Млади спортни пощенски
Продавам млади бели пощенски гълъби, 8 бр., мъжки и женски. Цена: 25-30 лв. / гълъб
Ostrich chicks And eggs for sale
Chicks And Adults Male And Female Ostrich Ready And Available at Affordable Prices Serious Inquiries Only.. WhatsApp me : +351 922 210 181Email me...
Eclectus Parrots For Sale
They are tamed, friendly, hand-fed and vaccinated. WhatsApp me : +351 922 210 181These parrots are home raised. Email me via : (...
Pair Of Catalina Rainbow macaw Parrots For Sale
They are tamed, friendly, hand-fed and vaccinated. These parrots are home raised. WhatsApp me : +351 922 210 181Email me via : (...
Pair Of Military Macaw Parrots For Sale
They are tamed, friendly, hand-fed and vaccinated. These parrots are home raised. WhatsApp me : +351 922 210 181Email me via : (...
Male and Female Eagle Owls
we have both male and female, young owlets and also paired reproducing adults available. Pure breed, vaccinated, home raised and have all their...
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo for Sale
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Breeding Pair parrots ready for a new home. They are tamed, friendly, hand-fed and vaccinated. These parrots are home...
Major Mitchell's cockatoo Available
Tamed and talking Major Mitchell's Cockatoo Parrots with great vocabulary. These parrots are very friendly and lovely. They are great fun to be...
Caique parrots available now
parrots ready for a new home. They are tamed, friendly, hand-fed and vaccinated. These parrots are home raised. Email me via : (...
Blue Fronted Amazon parrots Available
They're very interesting and neat birds. They have been well trained and tamed and are harmless. Love both adults and kids. hey are very fun to be...